Please keep the Philpot Faily in your prayers. Here is the latest information I have received. This is taken from the www.carepages.com for Riley Philpot.
A New Journey
Posted 1 day ago
We praise God for his presence AND our hearts are aching.
I was going to say “for His presence BUT our …” but the above statement says it better for me. Nothing that we have heard changes the fact that He is with us, and how we feel does not change how great He is. So we are thankful and sad.
As many would have expected with our delay in updating, we have gotten news that has taken us time to process. Riley’s cancer has returned in her right lung and likely in her left lung as well.
As many would have expected with our delay in updating, we have gotten news that has taken us time to process. Riley’s cancer has returned in her right lung and likely in her left lung as well.
We knew the moment the doctor called us out of Riley’s room to “talk” with us. The blunt facts are that we have already tried everything for Riley that could have cured her. There is no treatment that can achieve a cure. The initial recommendation by the doctor was to remove the nodule in the right lung. “But why?” could not be answered, especially when the cancer has returned so quickly and that we are facing the probability that it has already spread to the left lung.
What do we want to do? This is what our heart must decide. We can’t medically have what we really want. We met with another oncologist about a treatment plan. She agrees that we have done everything possible that could have cured Riley. Surgery, a new chemo regimen and/or experimental treatments are treatment options. None of the options discussed would provide a lasting effect and would have side effects even if considered “very well tolerated.” Another treatment option is to wait for a while to make a decision knowing that no further treatment may be the best for Riley and our family.
We had planned a crazy road trip to see family after our expected good news. We wanted to return home after the news was not what we wanted, but Riley and the kids wanted to continue with our drive. So now we rest in Iowa with plans to travel back home over the next week, stopping and visiting folks along the way.
We will be able to share more later, but we must find the best option for Riley and our family. Right now we have to rest. God is with us today as much as He was before we heard the news. Riley feels great. She and all the kids know the news and are aware of its meaning. They are all handling it in their own way. Riley and we are admittedly scared, but hopefully we can better understand her fears as the days move on.We continue to praise God and give Him all the glory for He alone can make good out of this not so good situation.
In our weakness we allow Him to hold on tight to us,
Kirk and Kelly
Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, and perservere in prayer."
I'm praying for all of them and I will light a candle too in hopes it brightens their path. Much love and peace xoxxo
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